It won’t make backup copies for files not original MS system files so if it isn’t in the same location and called the same file name then avast won’t touch it and there is no way to have avast do that.
So your best bet is to back it up yourself keeping a copy of it off-line so it can’t become infected. The same as for all important files/data, if you don’t want to lose it back it up.
when I’ installed avast it asked if I’ wanted it to create a backup,which I’ did althou I’ have no clue what files AVAST backed up ?,thats why I’ figured AVAST,was monitoring windows files,so I’ thought I’ should disable system monitoring while installing the kernelx.
The only files avast makes a copy of are in the System Files section of the chest, there are only 3 and there may be multiple copies if there have been MS updates to those files (unlikely since winME is no longer supported by MS).
avast isn’t a back-up application and the VRDB function doesn’t back-up files at all but retains data about the file so that should it become infected it can attempt a repair, so it isn’t backing up the files. The VRDB only monitors system files (executables, etc.) and your new file I doubt would come under that category and there is no way to change what the VRDB does monitor within avast.
I wouldn’t have thought that it was necessary to disable/pause/stop avast to do what you are considering.