Keyboard logger in Avast 4.0??

I recently ran Pest Patrol to detect for keyloggers and it listed
ASWIDLE.dll as a keyboard logger. What is this .dll monitoring?

aswIdle.dll monitors keyboard and mouse requests and if the computer was idle for some minutes, avast scans and update VRDB database. There are no keys which we would save/send anywhere, we just use it for user idle detection.

I confirm what pk said…
aswIdle.dll never asks for Internet access (or Server rights) in my firewall (ZoneAlarm) and never was detected with a trojan or spyware behavior.

It’s as safe as all avast! package ;D

Well, it monitors the keyboard but does not log anything, so it can’t be keyboard logger ;).

Actually, it is false alarm by Pest Patrol which has already been discussed here once…
