Kiosk - FullScreen mode in Internet Explorer

Last 8-10 days in Avast there was an update that incudes disabling Internet Explorer’s FullScreen (kiosk) capability.

I did not install Win XP SP2 because of older software which does not work under new environment.

SP2 does have Internet Explorer FullScreen turnoff trigger which can be avoided doing few changes in security settings.

Unfortunately, Avast do the same (or similar) procedure.

Avast does change few Registry settings linked to the issue.

I am making Web Frontends that have to be in FullScreen mode (Exams, Tests), and when one page calls another thru Javascript’s window open, new window is immidiately closed.

The issue is realy problematical, and there should be wider explanation about it.

I am using IE exactly because of the FullScreen capability (other browsers do not have THE SAME capability, but something similar), SP2 did not ask me if I want to disable the capability, and now Avast does not ask me too.

I agree that security issues are the reasons for the procedure of disabling Kiosk mode. It is okay, but it does make me problems. Anybody has similar problems? Any suggestions?

avast! doesn’t do any such changes.
Unless you receive a virus warning (e.g. when accessing a webpage), avast! doesn’t block anything. It certainly doesn’t contain the popup blocker you are describing. Maybe you have some other tool installed that might do that?

Nothing here recently that even mentions full screen and as Igor said avast doesn’t do this.

Previously the only mention of full screen was in relation to games, so avast can detect when full screen is on so as not to disturb the game by displaying update information, etc.
You have to go back to July 9 2005 (Version 4.6.691) in the above link before full-screen is even mentioned.

# added the ability of not displaying of popup messages while a full-screen app is running (e.g. a game)

I just want to emphasize that I do honestly believe that Avast is at the top of the AV software today. My friends have bad experience with other products (big names, without real strength) and I strongly recommend Avast as the BEST solution.

The possibility can be the registry key that is linked by any mean to the fullscreen mode and Avast is using it for some security repair.

I have 9 private (my own) computers, then few computers at my primary working place, and 22 computers at education institution where I worked by contract. That is the reason I mentioned Avast, cause during last month, after I installed new Avast version, fullscreen capability is off, and when I run the application on computers where other AV product is installed, everything seems to be good.

I just want to say about the possibility, the Avast does few procedures similar to what XP SP2 does, against the registry. Avast is a very good product, and I want it to be even better.

I was trying to say that avast! doesn’t perform any “security repair” (no registry tweaking).

If you use avast! Professional (i.e. not avast! Home), you may try stopping the Script Blocker provider on the machines and see if it makes any difference. There haven’t been any changes to the corresponding code for very long, so I’m rather confident that nothing has changed in the recent updates - but that’s the only module that might affect IE somehow.