Over 20 percent of Dutch Firefox users enabled the Do Not Track feature: https://dnt-dashboard.mozilla.org/
The state of Oregon in USA is a good second with 19.37% Firefox users that have chosen these settings.
A lot of users do not like to be tracked on the Interwebs,
P.S. Remember that MS IE10 comes with DNT installed as by default…
or woulkd an add/on like Self-Destructing Cookies work better…
A good policy would be to remove all cookies on shutting the browser…but again a lot of tracking goes on via other ways like for instance webbugs.
See what you find with web bug detector extension enabled on Google Chrome…
Tracking is going on in so many ways that only a script blocker like NoScript in combination with Request Policy or ScriptSafe and KissPrivacy in Google Chrome can block, and do not forget to enable Google Sharing and GDisconnect extension for enhanced privacy from Google tracking as I launch Google Chrome from Chrome PrivacyGuard
Simply remember that there is no anonymity or privacy on the internet.
Therefore, never post anything that you’re not willing to share with the entire world.
If you follow that rule, you can’t get burned.
If you want to play with fire then continue to assume that you can hide things from those that
specialize in uncovering the things that shouldn’t have been posted or shared in the first place.