Latest Avast Definition Update?

Hi all. I am new to Linux and Avast. I just wasn’t sure if 12.16.06 was the latest Avast definition update? (It is 1/10/07 today.) I am just used to updates being sent out on a more regular basis in the windows world. Is this big a gap in Avast definition updates normal? I tried updating from the GUI and from the command line # avast update. Just wasn’t sure if this was normal and wanted to verify that the update was working properly. I am using the free home version of Avast for Ubuntu.

Thanks for your help.

Next avast version (probably on January 14th) will correct the update troubles.
Nowadays, the last ‘update’ possible is from December 16th, while the Windows version is almost daily updated.
Sorry, as far I know, we need to wait a little…

Thanks a million. Everything installed so smoothly that I wasn’t sure if the update wasn’t working or if that was normal. Thanks again.

Yes, the regular update will be back again on 14.1.2007. This temporary update blocking was requested as a “safe period” for all people and OEM customers who still used the ooold engine with 16MB limitation which can’t cope with the number of detections in the latest data definition files.


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Youpi !!! we are 13 December (19:28 french time ) and the updates for linux are AVALAIBLE again !!!

I wanted to write 13 January , of course.

Hi all,
anyone has notice of Latest Avast Definition Update after 12.16.06???

Sure, it’s working now… Did you test?
If it does not work, download the avast for linux setup again and overinstall.

I had this problem with opensuse 10.2 and avast4linux 1.0.6. Uninstalling this version and installing version 1.0.7 solved the problem for me.


Strange… I was following Dublin on this and I thought the update issue was the reason for the update, I mean, correct the blocking update after 16 December 2006.

Ah, I meant these two quick-releases at the end of December… but there was no versioning increment (it was build-replacement only) as I checked now…

So, You’re right, workstation v1.0.6 (= the few months old package) MUST be upgraded to be able to work with new VPS database.


It’s all ok: the problem during the update is the http_proxy value, different from work to home;
avast 1.0.7 on opensuse 10.2 works great!

thanks to all