Latest AVAST - Printer problems

We have an HP LaserJet 400 and some newer Brother Printers. The latest update a few days ago broke the printer connection. Printers are all networked via wireless or Ethernet to an AP. This system has been working unchanged for the last 8 months. I can print to all the printers from iPads and Android devices. On the PC’s it says printers are offline. When I disable all shields in Avast I can then print to the printers in both local and remote desktop sessions from the PC’s with no problems. I did a repair of the Avast install and have manually hit update for new defs and any other updates. It did not help. To print we need to turn off all shields and that is not a good solution. It’s definitely an Avast issue causing the problem. Any Ideas ? I can duplicate the issue on all three computers, All are running Win 8.1. Since the iPads can see all the printers with no problem and print to them I know the issue is not network or printer related. Since the symptoms are exact on all PC’s and turning off the shields fixes the problem it has to be Avast. But I need a permanent fix or to go back to the verison prior to 2016.

It appears that 2016 Pro with the latest defs is OK, but Internet Security 2016 with latest defs still needs shields off to print.

You probably need to post here

Going by your previous post history you are in a business environment.

Thanks I will look but actually this is at the house (home office). The computer with Avast *.2016 Internet Security is the main issue. Its the one that gets used for printing 100+ pages a day both as local print jobs via the LAN and local print jobs when logged into a remote desktop session where the wife logs into her office and uses local resources to print on our LAN printer. She has multiple (4) printers for specific jobs as its easier and more effective than loading preprinted forms or multi sized blank paper back and forth.

The offices are running smoothly? :o

I have the same issue - started with the two most recent Avast program updates - currently Avast 2014.9.0.2016.

For some reason, if I power-cycle the Network printer, the job will print. But its like Avast is taking the printer “off-line.”

I did find that if I disable the Web Shield, the printer works as before.

I’m not sure how to back out of the most recent program update and install an older version, but this sure looks like an Avast issue. I’ve had the same home network for several years, same PC (Win 7 - 64) and same HP 3390 printer and driver.

Glad I am not the only one. Power cycling does not help mine, turning off the web shield gets it working fine. Our whole network has been for the most part the same (added an access point, added a printer last year) for several years and have never had any issues either. The common denominator is the web shield.

Is your firewall set for networking?

It’s been a while since I’ve used AIS and I’m working from memory.

Same issue here. I do find though, that with 2016, as long as I leave the printer powered up, I seem to be able to print fine. And yes, it does have something to do with web shield. The other thing I have done (and I don’t know if it works or is just coincidental) is to exclude my Brother folders from web shield.


Hi - yes. Actually, I’m using the standard Windows 7 Firewall and it is set for Networking - the Home Network shows just fine, as does File and Print Sharing being allowed.

It still seems that since the Firewall settings have never been changed, it all circles back to the Avast Web Shield and something with the newer program updates (not the definition files).

FYI, you cannot run both the AIS and Windows firewalls at the same time.
You can run either the AIS firewall or the Windows firewall while using avast v2014.
One of your firewalls must be disabled due to a conflict.

I am using AIS on one computer and PRO on the others. The AIS computer is using the AIS firewall. The PRO computers are using WIN 8.1 firewall. It points to an issue with the web shields. To further my belief that the Web Shield is to blame. I can disable shields and all is well. Then I can in devices see all the printers and none of them are greyed out and they all work. I keep the devices and printers window open and enable shields. Within a few seconds the avast ball starts spinning and within 45 seconds the printers go to greyed out like flipping a light switch.
All the printers sleep when not used for 1 minute.
WDS printers are not affected, only IP printers are. My one WDS printer never goes off line.

I sent a PM to another evangelist who “does” use AIS and can provide better service.
Please be patient.

With AIS ensure that Internet Connection Sharing mode is enabled

I have tried each one of the suggestions above, and still am not able to print wirelessly with Brother printer. My computer recognizes the printer, Avast lists the printer IP address in the Friends list. Any other ideas?

Add the two lines in your WebShield.ini


Reboot afterwards.

Asyn, Thank you for the response. Could you provide more details about how to add the two lines, (step by step) such as how to get to webshield.ini, and how and where to add the two lines?

  1. Depends on your OS, use the Windows search function to locate it.
  2. Edit your WebShield.ini, it doesn’t really matter where you add them.