Latest avast version ?

Is my Avast have latest update ?

I am worried because my last update is september

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Essentially it is.

I have avast! free 19.8.2393 (build 19.8.4793.544)

Whilst, Avast had the intention of a monthly program update cycle, it isn’t hard and fast that it will be monthly. There have been other things going on that have had a greater priority. There has been a beta release for avast 19.9.2394 (build 19.9.4824) and that would certainly come first before any regular program update. But so far that hasn’t been released from beta testing.

Why you guys have 19.8.2393 (build 19.8.4793.544) while mine is still 19.8.2393 (build 19.8.4793.541)? Yet it says it’s still up to date.

Reboot if you haven’t done so recently.
The 541 - 544 build would be considered a very minor update and may probably have been delivered in a VPS & Engine update.

If a reboot doesn’t do it try a manual program update followed by a reboot.

Actually I’ve been doing that many times earlier, and it’s still .541 since weeks already. My AV still says it’s up to date (and no new updates available) even when I try to manual update. I don’t actually care about it much as long as it works, but still I’m wondering why some have newer version and I have older. Only Virus Definitions are updating.

Maybe it is a minor change related to what OS you have ?

Maybe, I don’t know. I’m working on W7, if that matters

the version that you have maybe for the Avast Free Antivirus and the others is for the paid one…


If you check my signature and previous posts you will see I’m using Avast Free and have the latest version.