latest free avast help

hello avast 8)

i already have avast free software in my desktop? i buy laptop and i want free avast in my laptop.

latest file is about 52 mb and i already have avast set up about 43 mb.

how can i increase that 43 mb into latest avast definition about 52 mb?

i cant download whole 52 mb bcoz my dial up net not fast. how can i download that remaining 9 mb?

any way?

thank u

You can try this…

  1. Use the installer, you already have. (Even, if it’s an older version)
  2. Update later on. (Should minimize your downloads…)

does my pc will get infected by virus if i try to update avast software from internet?

i seen that virus coming from internet even i just open google site from browser.

wat is userini.exe?

is this virus?

i got this from system32

if you update it from alwil servers using the internal updater, then, No.

i seen that virus coming from internet even i just open google site from browser.

may be your computer is already infected with something…

wat is userini.exe? is this virus?

i got this from system32

If it is the same as here, it can be removed with SAS


does mbam also can remove it?

i scaned and avast already caught it from system32 and i deleted it now.

i just installed avast in my new laptop and i update now. i got about 14 threat pop up msg of svchost.exe

why i getting this svchost.exe again n again. i getting from network