League of legends Marked as FileRepMalware

I was notified on the league forums that it was coming up, and I confirmed it with a copy that had been on my system for a while. I had avast previously alongside this program with no problems previously.

The launcher is now in the file chest, but before I move it out, I would like to check if it is a false positive or not. How would I go about this?

How would I go about this?
upload suspicious file(s) to www.virustotal.com and test with 40+ malware scanners

alternatives: www.metascan-online.com / www.jotti.org

You can report and upload files to avast lab here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php
change subject on the form to suite your case

you can also use mail

send to virus@avast.com in a password protected zip file
mail subject: false positive or undetected sample (depends on your case)
zip password: infected

or you can send files from avast chest
how to use the chest. http://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB21

Good Job Avast fucking up thousands of instals with the autodelete option and your latest patch.
Considering what’s going on on Riot’s forums you fucked up quite a lot of players and lost a good many of them who were using your products.
That’ll include me too.
Where the hell did that friggin autodelete comes from with default param ?

Crappy idea and really really unpleasant to discover in this fashion.
So I guess we had a good run but now… that’s a goodbye.

Confirmed, it’s a false positive. Avast messed up.

To be more exact, looking at the LoL forums, avast messed up more than thousands of games. Expect a wave of tickets.

Here’s a fix someone else posted:


And this is after using avast for more than a year alongside League…