I’m the admin of hxxp://www.hentairules.net , a NSFW site, and this morning I found that Avast reported a generic “URL:mal” infection.
I’m coming to report that the website is clean, and i would be really, really! grateful if Avast could remove the warning
I’m not sure if these forums are the right place to report it, but I honestly couldn’t find where else to ask O_o
About the reasons why I’m confident the site is safe, I can mention
after nine years of active website webmastering with full access, I’m confident in my skills at detecting problems with a website after someone mentions there might be a problem
a series of binary-rule folder comparisons between the current live website and backups aged 3, 9 and 15 days have shown only legit file changes and file additions were made
In other words, it may be something else (a third party, like the intensedebate.com comments system, or the statcounter visitors counter, who knows), or then it’s a false positive.
But the website itself, hxxp://www.hentairules.net , is clean, I am 100% certain of it