Let programs through

How do i let a program through Avast Home?
i have this program and it says there is a virus, but i have to run it… and i know theres no virus… since i made it myself…

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

You have to use the exclusion lists:

Standard Shield → Customize → Advanced → Add


Program Settings → Exclusions

aww, thanks
i have tried to make it work for days…

Thanks :smiley:

Your welcome :slight_smile:

What you should do is submit it to avast for analysis and hopefully correction of the virus signature that detected it.

What was the malware name of the detection ?

Send the sample to virus@avast.com zipped and password protected with the password in email body, a link to this topic might help and possible false positive in the subject.

Or you can also add the file to the User Files (File, Add) section of the avast chest (if it isn’t already there) where it can do no harm and send it from there. A copy of the file/s will remain in the original location, so you can still use under the exclusion.

Send it from the User Files section of the chest (select the file, right click, email to Alwil Software). It will be uploaded (not actually emailed) to avast when the next avast auto (or manual) update is done.

Periodically scan the copy in the chest (User Files section) and when it is no longer detected you can remove the exclusion.