Licence Key

I have tried to get my system up and running but it keeps telling me the licence key is invalid. I’ve read through most of the posts about this on the forum and can’t get anywhere. What’s going on??

Please, try some things:

  1. Use the copy & paste method to be sure you use the propter license key number. Maybe you got a typo error :wink:

  2. See if your system date & time is correct (specially the year).

  3. Register again if the first two ones fail 8)

Wellcome to forums.

Thanks for the welcome.

Have done all that already i.e. copy/paste and also re-registered and checked my date and time and it’s all bang on. It still tells me that the key is invalid. I can’t even get the program as far as 1st boot.

Can you try uninstall / boot / install / boot?
Or, at least, the repair function at Control Panel > Add/Remove programs). I’m not sure you will have this option without a license key.

Did you downgrade from Pro version to Home?

I just downloaded the software for the 1st time tonight. I’ll try the uninstall/boot/install/boot again and let you know.