License key failure

Having just updated to Avast Home 4.6, I can’t get the license key registered as it wont accept letters only numbers. Help

There is no need to enter the license key again after a update.

But if you have/want to enter it again:
Just copy/paste the key. Make sure there is no trailing space.

No. Still doesnt work. It says The Parameter Is Incorrect

Get a new key (preferably with supplying another email address) from the webstie and try that one. Let us know how you are doing.

Many thanks. Yes this worked first time (by copying and pasting the new license key into the window). Gremlins before, I guess.

keeping getting an error message license key not valid license no

What is the error message?
Is your system date/time correct?
Do you use copy & paste method?
Are you sure you do not include the ‘last blank space’ in the paragraph while copying & pasting?
Which avast version are you trying to register (Home or Professional)?