Linux Malware and Hacktools Lack Detections


The lastest test on shows that Avast seriously lacks detection for Linux and Hacktools; As we all know no AV is perfect however since the latest results (about 2 months ago) there haven’t been new detections of Linux malware and few Malware such as Hacktools.
Shortly after the test I sent about 20 samples of Hacktools(all different), to date none are detected. I might also add that I sent the samples every week form the Virus Chest. :stuck_out_tongue:
So my question to the Alwil team is when can we expect this dilema or challenge to be solved or fixed ?


With respect, I’m having trouble following you. First, I’ve never even heard of any spyware that affects Linux.

Second, typical hackware programs will get you nowhere in Linux, due to it’s file structure, and permissions design.

Here’s an article that all can read on these issues in Linux. (Tech originally posted this a while back in the Linux forum here, but it bears repeating.)

A common question from newbies to Linux on forums, is… “Where are the antivirus and antispyware programs for Linux?”

The above article is referenced often in response to those questions, as is this one:

New Linux users just can’t seem to shake the paranoia associated with Windows. But, they soon learn, that the rules are simply different using Linux as opposed to Windows.

If I’ve missed the point of your post, please let me know.


Actually I was refering to 2 subjects, the first one is lack of detection of Linux Malware and the second one was lack of detection of Windows Hacktools.


Sorry, I didn’t catch a Windows reference in your original post. Thought you were commenting only about Linux.

I’ve use avast! for many years now on Windows, as part of the common “witches brew” of layered protection. Avast keeps getting better with every version, and frankly, I’ve never had a problem with it. Couldn’t comment on what’s lacking, because it’s always worked fine for me.

My Windows partition setup:

ZoneAlarm firewall (5.5.094)
SpywareBlaster (passive protection)
Avast (active protection)
Windows Defender (active protection)
SpyBot (On demand)
Ad-Aware (On demand)

On my Linux partition, with the exception of the built in firewall (iptables), and a rootkit checker (rkhunter), I run nothing else. I do not run a mail server, and as a result, I don’t use avast, or any other antivirus software.

Thanks for the clarification.



I use Ubuntu 7.04 64 bit system.
I have installed the “ia32-libs” package.Avast is running for 64 bit system.
But first is giving an error called – Cannot set locale to". –
I am clicking “OK” and then it’s going on working.
How can I correct this situation?

And could you say what the Avast forum general email address is?

Thanks for helping