Little bug with avast! GUI

I use the nVidia Drivers to set my Graphic card…
But when I put the option “Make the windows transparent during their displacement” in the nVidia Control Panel… and then I start Avast!, a bug appears: the avast! window loads normally and I can see it correctly, but when I try to move it, unfortunately, the window become a blank black rectangle, and i just can do a right click on this window… It shows me the avast! Menu…

I use the latest avast! bêta…
Does avast! could be incompatible with this functionnality?
NOTE: When i disable the function in nVidia control panel, all seems to be normal…

I really like avast!, and i am very keen on discovering bugs in this program ;D

Perhaps you should post this in the 4.6.718 beta thread -

Did you updated you windows?
Do you using some “look and feel” desctop change programs?

I wasn’t sure if my old nVidia driver would have this function, gforce fx5500 card, but it does and the function works, so I don’t think it is related to the avast beta (possibly the skinning module, ActiveSkin version As you can see from the image I have my driver set to transparent on displacement.

I did some more testing and initially I couldn’t replicate what happened to you. Whilst I can drag the window about, it doesn’t go transparent (or black) as there is a skinning module involved as well so it may be that there is a clash between the Transparent during displacement trying to make an element that uses an independent skinning tool.

I did eventually manage to get a black screen, but wasn’t able to replicate that again.

I don’t use any “look” or themes for windows 2000… but the bug still here! :-\ I will try to do a repair…
The repair doesn’t correct the bug… :o avast! starts but when I try to move the window, i’ve got this (see picture)… ???

I’m using XP Pro and that too may make a difference, but I’m not able to replicate the problem.

Are you using skins in the avast simple user interface or no skin?

Can you try it with the no skin interface, “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashSimp2.exe” and see if the same problem occurs.

It’s okay now! ;D I’ve find the solution : nVidia Window Transparence still active, but in avast! I mustn’t select “Use Transparent effects…”… If i choose this option, avast! will display a black Window. :slight_smile:

I’m gald that you have been able to resolve this and better that you have said what has resolved it as this may well help others.

Strange though, I have the use translucent effects on.