I use the nVidia Drivers to set my Graphic card…
But when I put the option “Make the windows transparent during their displacement” in the nVidia Control Panel… and then I start Avast!, a bug appears: the avast! window loads normally and I can see it correctly, but when I try to move it, unfortunately, the window become a blank black rectangle, and i just can do a right click on this window… It shows me the avast! Menu…
I use the latest avast! bêta…
Does avast! could be incompatible with this functionnality?
NOTE: When i disable the function in nVidia control panel, all seems to be normal…
I really like avast!, and i am very keen on discovering bugs in this program ;D
I wasn’t sure if my old nVidia driver would have this function, gforce fx5500 card, but it does and the function works, so I don’t think it is related to the avast beta (possibly the skinning module, ActiveSkin version As you can see from the image I have my driver set to transparent on displacement.
I did some more testing and initially I couldn’t replicate what happened to you. Whilst I can drag the window about, it doesn’t go transparent (or black) as there is a skinning module involved as well so it may be that there is a clash between the Transparent during displacement trying to make an element that uses an independent skinning tool.
I did eventually manage to get a black screen, but wasn’t able to replicate that again.
I don’t use any “look” or themes for windows 2000… but the bug still here! :-\ I will try to do a repair…
The repair doesn’t correct the bug… :o avast! starts but when I try to move the window, i’ve got this (see picture)… ???
It’s okay now! ;D I’ve find the solution : nVidia Window Transparence still active, but in avast! I mustn’t select “Use Transparent effects…”… If i choose this option, avast! will display a black Window.