Lobby for a much improved Avast for WM and other mobiles!

Dear Avast,

Over the past month I have reviewed almost all the mobile antivirus / security softwares and I have to say, sadly, that Avast falls way behind.

As an example Kaspersky includes, at least -

Realtime antivirus
SMS blocker
Encryption and locking of device
Neutralising the device after theft, by sending an SMS
Locating the device by enabling GPS, if fitted

Not bad for 30 bucks compared to Avast 20 bucks for…just antivirus, and not even real-time!

C’mon guys. Kaspersky is just one example. F-Secure, Trend Micro, Norton, Airscanner…

Wake up! Have some coffee. Get going. Do something!

Avast 5 looks promising. If you could at least get that into WM6.1 within the next 3 months I would be happy and pay 20 bucks. But right now I am resigned to tossing a coin between Kaspersky and Norton.

If anyone supports an initiative for our great friends at Avast to at least provide Avast 5 on WM, Symbian, iphone, palm and eventually match Kaspersky, please post your support below!

PDA is not a top market to be that worried about.
Development of avast 5 for PC (and others) are much more a priority.


like i said elsewhere "…and please don’t give me the corporate cr@p about priorities. I have spent 20 years working in major corporations and hearing that as a foul excuse for inertia, covering ass, etc. A small and nimble player like Avast can get off their butts and kick some real ass with the competition!!! "

You / they are failing to grasp the market trends. just take a look at iphone market, plus all the other PDAs.


But do you think that criminals are not actually TAKING PDA DATA right now??? The PDA door is wide open right now! Criminals are having a great time. just because it is not reported in MAINSTREAM media does NOT mean that it is NOT actually occuring! Criminals prefer to go for the easy targets! A PDA with no security, or security that is poor, will be laughing all the way to their bank!



you seem so concerned and so aware ;D …don’t waste a minute then, and get yourself a competitor’s solution, or develop your own :wink: …yeah, we’ve all spent the last twenty years doing something :smiley:

“…don’t waste a minute then, and get yourself a competitor’s solution, or develop your own…”

Pardon me? I can’t even fathom making this type of remark. It’s precisely this attitude that will spell failure for Avast in the market and play catch up. Your statement that “we’ve all done something for 20 yrs…” is total BS. Being a COO, I would bounce anyone of my employees for this kind of mentality.

you sound more like a nothing to me, a wannabe COO (lol) and confirmed proletarian; you gotta be “cavehomme” newly registered as "dartagnan117 ", living up to your usernames, a (very) ridiculous person indeed :smiley: …Mr. COO ::slight_smile: