[b]I have alot of my items saved in my E drive so i would save some space,it let me open
it and retreive what i needed but i had a nasty virus so i used the boot time scan which
sweeped the virus out but since then i can’t open my e drive,this is what it tells me
Is there a way to bypass this to maybe move my things somewhere else whithout
losing everything?[/b]
nothing, that’s just the prompt when you inserted your USB key. The question remains can you now access your E drive or not? there’s nothing you can copy from it to anywhere until you’ve been able to either retrieve the data or open the drive normally…
see if Recuva gives anything, no guaranty, you could end up with an error message from it as well: http://www.piriform.com/recuva
if access is granted, which I doubt, do a scan for non-deleted files, see that in the options.
Otherwise, yes, partition wizard, mentioned previously, is worth trying too…
it doesn’t matter whether you start with partition wizard or Recuva…just see if any of these two brings anything…recuva is very simple to use, so may be try it first…
If you can read the disk (partition), you can use Recuva.
If you can’t read the disk, you can’t use Recuva first. You need to use Partition Wizard first and try to restore the partition.