Location doesn't work - gives only Query timeout

Hi all,

I’ve installed the app as a normal user on Kazam Trooper 5.5 and wanted to check location command. It wasn’t working, it kept sending me back SMS with info that query timeout. I found somewhere here to check if my google maps can find the position. I did that and google maps can find me. I thought it may be lack of the root privileges. So I rooted my phone and reinstalled the app. But still locatin command over SMS fails. If I use location command from the portal while phone is using WiFi I get the location on the page, but this is not enough. I need to know that my device is going to be located when I ask via SMS. What am I missing ? What should I check ?

Any idea anyone ? :o
It’s Android 4.2.2. Previously I had 2.3.3 on Samsung and it had been working. Now on Kazam Android 4.2.2 it doesn’t. Only via SMS, what is wrong ?

Make sure Avast (or its Alias) has been granted superuser rights.

In the web interface settings check that your ‘Automaticaly enable GPS’ is checked. If that is already checked, you could try un-checking the ‘Hide GPS icon’. With some android devices it causes a crash in location services.

o meu esta do mesmo jeito, q o citado acima

Thank you for your answer, but it didn’t help. I see that Avast support also doesn’t have the foggiest idea on what’s going on. They answered to me with standard quote and then when they realized that this is not indeed working … they stopped responding at all :-\

Do other SMS comands work? Or is it only the ‘Locate’ sms comand that times out?

One solution here is to enable continuous tracking.
You have to view the result of the ‘Locate’ in the avast website anyway. You wont receive a reply sms containing the gps co-ord.

Nope, nothing helped.
Other commands work, like CALL for instance. But Location doesn’t. It accepts command but then it just sends SMS with timeout information. Continues tracking doesn’t work either. Also sends timeout every 5mins (for LOCATE 5). So … still nothing :frowning: Just doesn’t work. WHY ? :o

When you launch the Avast app on the phone do you have a yellow button at the top with the word “Issues!”?
If so tap it and try and rectify them.

Do you have any other ‘sms apps’ on your phone? SMS backup, SMS forwarding, SMS emiticon apps or anything similar installed? If so they could be interfering.

If all else has failed with you installing non-root then installing in root mode maybe you could benefit from completely removing the app and try to re-install in root mode. Use the uninstall wizard by launching the avast app.

No issues at all

No other appas, this is a phone just after the factory reset.

I already did it. First it was installed as typical app, then I have rooted my phone and reinstalled the anti-theft dedicated for rooted phones.
Still issue exists :frowning:

Then try this. This will remove AAT completely making sure there’s no trace.

Switch on developer options and enable usb de-bugging.
Download this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27553331/root%20uninstall.zip to a Windows PC (dropbox link given originates from this post: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=130317.0)
Unzip it to a folder on your desktop (PC).
Connect phone via USB to the PC. (make sure usb debugging is enabled first!)
Open the folder where you unzipped the above file and right click on uninstall.bat and ‘run as administrator’.
A terminal window will open up and tell you when all is done.

Restart your phone and disable usb debugging.

Re-install AAT (Rooted) from Playsore :smiley:
This should ensure a clean fresh rooted install :smiley: