Hi all, I’ve searched around the other threads here, and found a couple that seem to have had similar problems, but none of the solutions offered among them have helped me, so I guess I’ll give a full description of my problem here:
I’m running avast 4.7 home (with the piratey skin, hehe, Arrr!!), and recently my computer found itself with one of those nasty annoying little things that makes pseudo error messages demanding you download antivirus software etc. pop up any time you try to navigate anywhere (in internet windows, or even just around your own computer… ugh). Honestly, I don’t know who he’s been seeing while I’m not around… Anyhow, normally this sort of this isn’t a problem, as I’m at that (what I’m sure is irritating for people who really know about computers) stage just above computer illiteracy where I can dig out things like this well enough on my own, and I seem to derive some sort of sadistic pleasure hunting little invaders like this down manually…
This time, however, I just couldn’t sort it out, so turned to avast do do a deep scan and maybe help me out. When I tried to start it up, however, I got the ‘42040 = VPS file was destroyed’ error. A quick check led me here, and to a proposed solution from another thread, namely to edit the setup ini parts.VPS line to an earlier value and the re-update, and it was here that I stumbled upon further problems. First of all, I can’t update avast at all currently… plain and simply, no button or link anywhere that leads to an update is behaving like a responsive button, absolutely nothing happens when I click them.
After this, when I attempted to edit the setup file, I discovered that the entire avast folder is of the opinion that I don’t have permission to change anything about it, modify anyhing in it in any way put anyhting new in it or take anything out… it demands that I can’t touch it, and that I should speak to my administrator. Bear in mind here, there’s only one profile on my computer, mine, and I’m the only one who uses it. the folder has marked itself read only, and refuses to accept any attempt to clear its read only status.
I then tried to uninstall Avast, hoping to start over, and it refuses to uninstall itself, claiming an error when I try, nor will it let me delete it manually, claiming write protect and/or in use. (I should note here, normally I can overcome this problem just by terminating the appropriate processes first, but in this case, once again, it won’t let me terminate them at all)
Somewhere along the way I’ve restarted my computer, and I’ve notice that the avast ball in my taskbar has also disappeared for some reason… odd.
At any rate, this leaves me at a bit of a loose end with what to do now, and any advice or help here would be greatly appreciated. grumbles and i’m still getting plagued by this stupid fake error message irritation that brought all this up in the first place sigh
Hope someone can help me out here, and thanks in advance, hopefully.