Log Files locations

So i have switch over to SSD and i am moving all the log files off of it. So with that said is it possible to move the log files for avast off my ssd to my data drive?

  • avast! Log file locations:
  • Windows 2000, Windows XP - C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Avast Software\Avast\Log
  • Vista, Win7 - C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\Log. Some may also be in the respective \Report folder.

But as far as I’m aware there is no setting where you can change the log file locations.

I have exactly the same problem. My SSD contains 50 Gigs of Avast log files. Would it matter if I just deleted them all?

You can, but it’s not a normal situation.
Have you enabled additional logging for some scans? What are the names of the biggest files?

As of 04/20/2014, and with Win 7 Ulltimate 64-bit, I’m finding my Avast! log files here:

C:\Users\All Users\AVAST Software\Avast\log

This is good coding practice because Microsoft discourages using the installation folders for installed programs to store such data. Instead, locations like the one above are preferred.

Of course, MS is the first to break their own rules. :wink: MS SQL Server, for examples, stores its database files under its installed folder.