Log scan report terminology


Please can some one explain how I can edit a post I have made? Also I would add that re the generated scan logs the wording should be is scan completed not can stopped as this infers that the user aborted the scan. :-[

-= You will need about 20 posts to modify your post…? Correct me if I am wrong…

-= By the way, I don’t quite understand the second question…


Log in, then move to your post that you wish to edit, then click modify, then edit, then save.

My regards

PS The specific details you quoted made no sense at all to me.


Thanks Mike modify did the trick.

Regarding the scan log report
When I open the Avast scan log report, about the third to last line regarding scanning time etc says scan stooped at then the time. This is not correct as I did not stop the scan it completed, so the terminology is wrong it should say scan completed.

Hi again,

Thanks for the explanation. You could add your suggestion to the Top Sticky wishlist?

My regards