Log Viewer Settings

I am wondering about how is best to set the log viewer. What is the logging level? My logging level is set on “notice”.
Is it possible to set the logging level for multiple options? If not, what should the logging level be set on?

Thanks for the help.


The default setting is “notice”, which should suit most users, but to each his own. If you change the setting to “info” for instance it will generate lots of logging entries in the info section, which is fine if you take the time to read them and can make meaningfull use of them, but then from time to time, you would also have to clean them out as well. Perhaps you should give each of the levels a trial and then decide which setting suits your application best.

I personally think the default is a good choice unless you are chasing a specific problem.

Thanks for the advice.

If you limit the log files size, I’ll let in the debug.
When you need a log it will be too late to configure it and troubleshoot.

I don’t understand.

My “log file size” is set on 4096kb. And the “Logging Level” is set on “Notice”.

Is this correct?

Yes, it’s correct.
I was only saying that you can let the size 4096 and set it to debug level.
This will ‘add’ some new log files but their size will be limited to that size.

Sorry, i am such a novice.

What does the debug level tell you? Is it better to be set on debug or notice?

It tells (record) more, just this. Don’t worry, if you’re not a computer savvy, Notice level is more than enough. You’ll see the most important info recorded, no problems. Let Notice level.

Thanks, Tech

You’re welcome :wink:

Hi All,

Is there a log entry that states how much time the last scan took. I found where it has date and times of the last scan but no duration. ???

You don’t say what version you are using, I suspect the Home version and that doesn’t retain scan information after the Simple User Interface has been closed (scan session) other than the date of the last scan. That information is displayed on completion of the scan so if you don’t note it then it will be gone when you close the SUI.

The pro version retains info on scans, etc. but I’m not convinced of its worth (the retention of scan data that is).

Hi David,

Thank you for the reply. Yes I am using the latest ‘HOME’ version. It is not a big deal but I have been excluding some files and wanted to compare scan times. ::slight_smile:

No problem, glad I could help.

You will just have to record the information at the end of the scan and compare with the later scans.

Welcome to the forums.