Login impossible


I wanted to give avast DNM a try.

I installed it on a Windows 2000 server fresh installation running on VMWare 4.0

Everything is installed without error, but I can’t login, I found here that the password in the doc aren’t the actual one, but they both don’t work I always get

Unknown error
Unable to login as Administrator or connection error

I used a SQL Server that I already have here it’s a MS SQL Server 2000, but sa account is password protected (don’t know if it can be a prob) the database was created successfully on the server oh and by the way, Administrator password is clear text in the table User …

That was my results, I really wish that would work, but unfortunately I’ll have to wait… :wink:



IS the “avast! Management Server” service started? If so, can you check how many threads it’s got? (e.g. In task manager, by enabling the Thread Count column).



I reinstalled it with MSDE and now everything runs smoothly… You should check configuration using existing sql server… remember my sa password was password protected and on MSDE too…
