Logs following recovery

As explained in the article about cleaning malware, I have run tests after recovering my pc from an infection. MWB turned up a trojan dropper in a WinRar install file that had been on my computer for ages, with no previous finds. I have removed it. What further actions are needed? Thank you in advance.

Ps. aswMBR caused a BSOD and gave me nothing. TDSSKiller found nothing.

MWB turned up a trojan dropper in a WinRar install file that had been on my computer for ages, with no previous finds.
Did you consider it was a false positive? you can upload and test file here www.virustotal.com you may post [b]link[/b] to scan result here

Malware expert is notified. It may take hours before he is online

Ps. aswMBR caused a BSOD and gave me nothing.
I dont think aswMBR support Windows10

Thank you. The incompatibility explains the crash. I don’t have the file anymore and now MWB says there is nothing more. Can I trust that?

I don't have the file anymore and now MWB says there is nothing more.
Is file in malwarebytes quarantine? If so you can restore and upload it to virustotal.com
Can I trust that?
In general yes, but nothing is 100%

No, deleted from there as well.

Quarantine give you the option to restore wrongly detected files

There is no rush to delete from quarantine, i usually let it stay there for a couple of weeks before i do

Quarantine, Delete, or Clean: Which Is Best for a Virus?

Good to know, thanks. It did give me the option, btw.

FRST logs are clean so it was probably false positive.