Long time user Hacked by Phishing virus!

Hey there everyone,

I’m really looking to speak with a Avast Representative, so i’m hoping this will get their attention. I’m a long time user of Avast Free Anti-Virus (over 5+ years) and i’ve gotten "threat blocked messages to prove it’s been working good. Up until a few months ago i now realize, maybe even longer. I stream TV shows on a site called “https://hdeuropix.com/” and like most of these sites whenever you hit play ads pop up until the episode will play. I ritually close these ads and i get “Threat Blocked” messages from avast. Turns out one of these pop up ads had Phishing virus on it (was an Escort Ad) and they have been regularly withdrawing amounts of between $51 - $54 from my bank account. I’ve had to put a stop on my account. I’m calling my bank at 8am Eastern Standard time Today to see what can be done, but i also expect compensation from Avast as i put my trust in them and that trust was betrayed. I’d appreciate if a represenative from Avast contacted me further, ASAP! thank you

but i also [b]expect compensation from Avast[/b] as i put my trust in them and that trust was betrayed.
hmmm ... you have used a free program for 5+ years

No security program have 100% detection or zero false positives

You may contact avast here >> https://support.avast.com/

If you want help checking your computer for infections, follow instructions here and attach requested logs >> https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=194892.0

RE: Expect Compensation ??? Better read the EULA. No place does Avast nor would any other Co.
offer a 100% guarantee of protection. All software that I know of specifically mentions that you use it at your own risk and peril.
Caveat emptor - Let the buyer be ware.
As Pondus mentioned, you can attempt to contact Avast but since you’re using the free version, help is usually only available
here through the forum or on the Fact section of the Avast website.
(I’ve reported your post to Avast.)

Sounds a little bit optimistic…
You may also call Microsoft as their OS isn’t safe enough.

Anyways, an adblocker such as uBlock Origin likely would’ve blocked ads for you. No ads, no phishing.

Except in emails. :frowning: