Hey folks.
I’m losing internet access on Windows 8.1 64-bit when Avast Pro Antivirus starts to use up all available UDP ports. I’m wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this and has a way to fix.
I’ll outline my steps below to show what I’ve been able to find.
PROBLEM: Internet access is lost after a period of time on Windows 8.1 46-bit. Running Avast Pro Antivirus.1.) Found entry in Event Viewer:
Log Name: System
Source: Tcpip
Date: 11/24/2014 2:02:36 PM
Event ID: 4266
Task Category: None
Level: Warning
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: sfngis.SFNA.local
A request to allocate an ephemeral port number from the global UDP port space has failed due to all such ports being in use.
2.) Ran “netstat -anob” and output results to netstat_anob_results.txt (1,584 KB) which showed AvastSvc.exe using a lot of UDP ports.3.) Got PID (1412) of AvastSvc.exe using "tasklist /SVC | find -i “avast”
4.) Generated dump file from task manager of AvastSvc.exe into AvastSvc.DMP (343,923 KB)
5.) Tried to kill AvastSvc.exe with “TASKKILL /PID 1412 /F” but failed, so killed in Task Manager instead. This restored internet access!
6.) Checked ports again with “netstat -anob” and output results to netstat_anob_results_taskkill.txt (9 KB) and the file was much more reasonable.
I’ve tried calling Avast 1-866 number for support but they just offered me an annual subscription to their PC maintenance program and the opportunity to talk with an “engineer”.