Loss of Download speed

I just got done comparing the results of (6) different speed tests, (3) with VPN turned on, and (3) with VPN turned off. The average for the turned off was 721mbps, and the average for the turned on was 506mbs. A loss of 30 percent of my download speed.
I am running /windows 11 Pro on a desktop computer and using a Zyxel05770 router. The test site is speedtest.net, and my ISP is Ting Internet (fiber optic).
Is this typical of what I can expect when using VPN services? Fiber optic isn’t cheep, and a 30 percent drop in download speed is not good.

I don’t use a VPN but my initial thoughts are it could, so I fired up google.

And searched on “Does a VPN slow your download speed” and the answer would appear to confirm my thoughts.

Yes, free VPNs can significantly slow down your internet. They often have fewer servers, leading to overcrowding and slow speeds. They may also use encryption protocols that require more processing, and often prioritize speed for paid users

This would apply to VPNs in general rather than a specific one, because of its actions to keep everything private.

Simple logic should tell you that in order to encrypt, un-encrypt and redirect requires overhead.
That results in a speed decrease. Some VPN’s are slower than others.
Free VPN’s can be notorious on both slowing things down and collecting information.
You get what you pay for. Do a bit of research before choosing your VPN of choice.