Lost paid primer and easy pass

I had purchased these programs in March of this year… Then I put computer in the shop and went from windows 8 to windows 7 and lost the programs in the change.

How can I get them back on my computer?

Also, how can I prevent this from happening again in the future… can it be copied from the computer and saved to a CD or thumb drive to reinstall?

(I called the 1-800 number and I could not understand the heavy foreign accent of the people who answered. When I asked them to speak slowly and clearer… They hung up on me… TWICE I was hung up on)


I need the activation codes which were in my documents…I lost all my documents when we put the win 7 on it…


Ok, I have the email with the key in it, I did not opened key as instructed… I have the free Avast on my computer…that is all…

Yesterday, I had that Avast Premeir on my computer all day that was asking for the license file (which I did not have until today)… I had left it open and on my computer when I went to bed last night but when I got up this morning, the computer was off so the power must have went off in the night…

I don’t know how the premier got on my computer yesterday, where it came from or where it went… I have search every way I can think of today to find it on my computer today but it is not where I can find it…

In trying to get what the email asked me for, the Avast Pro Antivirus, Avast Internet Security, or Avast Premier, I have to pay for it so what do I do? What I have is the free Avast…

If you received your license key from the avast.com/resend-license-paid.php link then save the attachment to your desktop or other location. Double click on that license file and avast will take action to a) input the license key and b) convert avast free into the program version that you paid for.

DONE!! Not sure I have the Easy Pass right but I’ll save that for tomorrow! I got the Avast Premier done…

Thanks for all your help and I hope I didn’t pester you to much… Hopefully you won’t hear from me anymore!

You’re welcome.

You’re welcome.

If you have a question or concern it isn’t pestering, but seeking a solution.

I’m baaaack! LOL!

Easy Pass keeps telling me it is blocked and to check my account… Never made a account for Avast (that I remember) so I tried to do that and it says my email address is already in use… I only have that ONE email address and really don’t want to make another one… OR is it saying that I have an account already? If I do it has to be a old one and I have no clue what the password would be… LOL!

Submit a ticket: https://support.avast.com/Tickets/Submit

I have submitted TWO tickets and the response I get is a page for me to sign into my online account, needing my email address and my password… I have made it clear that if I had a online account, it was a long time ago and I only have the one email address that they tell me is already in use and as for a password…I don’t even remember, that was so long ago… I can NOT get into that online account PERIOD!

Since we can’t seem to resolve this could you just refund me the amount still left on my Easy Pass account, should be close to 6 months left…