Ive a few problems ive lost the search facility when you press start and then use search there is no text just a grey box, also windows defender and windows update fail to update.
i am running avast 4.7 and was updated yesterday, i ran a bootime scan this finished and rebooted but produced no log i ran avast in safe mode and it ran for 6 hours i stoped it @ 2 am.
Normaly it takes around 1 to 1.5 hours on my 80 gig drive
winxp pro 2.66intel p4 1.5gig ram c drive 80g d drive 40g
no to my knowlage I dint tweak any settings
i dont understand autopatcher or x setup shuld i run these
i cant seem to find the log file @ the location but i can view using the log viewer
What does this have with the ‘search’ problem? Time of scanning & search problem?
I don’t think these problems are due to windows updates but windows corrupted files. You will have to restore original files and not trying to update windows, right now.