Lost upgrade Avast Premium Security


last 14th March 2020 I bought update to Avast Premium Security from web.
Unfortunately yesterday I had a problem with Avast Password and notification propose to reinstall Avast Free.
After the procedure I lost update and now I don’t know how to recover it because I don’t have the activation code.

Is there someone who can help me.?

Thanks a lot.

Did you buy from Avast directly or from a reseller…?

I Bought directly from Avast.

https://www.avast.com/resend-license-paid.php (Resend paid license)

…the link does not work…

This is the message :

“Message from Avast I.T. Department (404 page)
There seems to be a problem with this page”

Strange, the link used to work and is still referenced in the FAQ… :-
https://support.avast.com/article/24/ (Orders/Subscriptions/Refunds)


For most products, you can view your activation code directly in your Avast Account (https://my.avast.com) when you log in with the email address you used to make your purchase.


Concerning this link: https://www.avast.com/resend-license-paid.php
We are working on getting it fixed.

Sounds good, thanks r@vast. :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for the advice.

I asked for customer service help because I just can’t find the license key in any section of my Avast account.

Contact Sales: https://support.avast.com/en-us/contact/enter/
If you don’t have an order # use 00000000 then explain your problem.

please PM the email address you used for the order.

Hi r@vast, any ETA for a fix…!? The link is still broken.


To clarify. That link should no longer be used. The Avast Account will stay as the only option to retrieve the activation code.

Well, that explains it, good to know. Cheers