Lot of doubts :(

Hello avast comunity ^^
I use avast for years but only now i decided registrate on forum =P
i had some questions i hope someone can answear.

  1. New avast 5 will had freatures to block annoying website like this wXw.own3d.es ?
    My firefox became crazy when i opened that only task manager saved me >.>

  2. Avast support anti-spyware prevention like spyware blaster?
    Because its very interesting some program like that protect againt spywares without real time scanning needed, sorry if i am make some advertisment of others softwares but i dont know other way to explain this doubt…

  3. New avast 5 free will need registration too?
    Im asking that because when i advice my friends using avast 4.8 home edition they get dismotivated when avast ask key, i know lazyness isnt a excuse for a greastest product like this one but sometimes its more easier advice MS Security Essentials because its like next next and finish on installation.
    Also its something wierd a free product had a registration and renew the key its a kind boring, maybe that registrations are used to some do some Statistic for avast develop researchs, i dont know :S

  4. What difrences between avast 5 pro and avast 5 free?

  5. When avast 5 final version will be released?

Thx for lisening me ^^

Best Regards,

can you make your link unclickable, it’s an infected site

Checking: hxxp://www.contadordevisitas.es/jscontador.php?Cuenta=48330&Tipo=8 File size: 1176 bytes File MD5: 012f83f05a29ed1fd60e35e45f813473

hxxp://www.contadordevisitas.es/jscontador.php?Cuenta=48330&Tipo=8 - Ok

Checking: hxxp://www.own3d.es/
Engine version:
Total virus-finding records: 709457
File size: 19.68 KB
File MD5: 852bddd4294101077521d358fb4a4f5c

hxxp://www.own3d.es/ - archive HTML

hxxp://www.own3d.es//Script.0 contains a joke (hoax) program Joke.Hello
hxxp://www.own3d.es//Script.1 - Ok
hxxp://www.own3d.es//Script.2 - Ok

Welcome to the forums, Lodan-Zark. :slight_smile:

Please change the link in your first post so that it is not clickable to something like the below …


The linkable URL is not changed…can a MOD go in there and change it?