Mac Avast "Daemon crashed while scanning /"

Due to the reliability and solidity of Avast on windows we recently purchased 12 MAC licenses.

Every machine we have installed it has had the same crash error part way through a scan.
So far 5 machines are affected, and nobody has managed to yet complete a full scan.

We have delayed deployment of the software to the rest of the machines and may have to reconsider our position on this, as if a solution is not available, then the software is not fit for purpose.

Can anyone please help with this.

please, try to install the latest engine - and when the problem persists, please, let me immediately know.

basically, tree trivial steps:

  1. quit the application entirely (menu → Quit avast! antivirus and Agent) - when grayed out, go to Preferences and uncheck “persistent mode” option.
  2. download this (Safari will unzip it automatically, com.avast.MacAvast.MAD will appear on your Desktop)
  3. in finder, go to Application, ctrl-click on Avast!, choose “Show Package Contents”, go to Contents, then Resources, and copy the file there.

DONE. Now, avast! will use the latest engine. Please, move mouse pointer above the VPS xxxxxx-x in the left right corner - engine version 0.0.82 must be shown - if not, you didn’t copy the file, or you didn’t re-start the app properly.
