MacOS Spigot-O [Adw]


Last night I installed something on my Mac that infected my MacBook with a virus, so I removed any threats with Avast and then decided to completely format it, just to be sure.

After formatting it, Avast has now found a Spigot/AppMonitor malware.

Is this really a virus? I have formatted the computer, so the laptop is completely clean now (I didn’t even restore it from a previous back up).

Is it possible that it may not be a Malware?

Avast pop up says
Infection: MacOS:Spigot-O [Adw]
User: evans1
Process: /usr/bin/bsdtar
File: /private/var/folders/r6/vwcr12y51c726d4khtt3j9hw0000gn/T/Spigot/AppMonitor

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Is this really a virus?
No ... as avast say MacOS:Spigot-O [Adw] = AdWare

I had already checked all of that and it’s all fine. Even Malwarebytes didn’t find anything, which is why I was a little alarmed when only Avast found it.

So an adware is something I shouldn’t worry about?

My laptop is showing no symptoms of an adware infection.

Even Malwarebytes didn’t find anything, which is why I was a little alarmed when only Avast found it.
No security program have 100% detection or zero false positives Most security vendors consentra on detecting the malicious stuff first and the annoying stuff as an extra

For a second opinion you can always upload and check files here

Mac OS X Isn’t Safe Anymore: The Crapware / Malware Epidemic Has Begun’t-safe-anymore-the-crapware-malware-epidemic-has-begun/