Mail Account Wizard

 When I first installed version 4 PRO and ran  the Mail acct Wizard, it set everything thing up on all my accts with no problem... I saw   in the server boxes  and the user name change with the # sign to redirect mail through AVAST.. and it worked fine... In fact, the first mail I  tried to send out  it alerted  me there was a virus on it!!!!!!!!  That prompted me to scan my system thoroughly   I have 3  POP accts...2 of them require a password to send  (the server is  'smtpauth'   rather than 'smtp' )    
   My mail client is OE 6 running on WIN  ME.
Sometime after installing, I had to remove the program temporarily to help me track down another problem that cropped up(not related to email).
  When I re-installed AVAST, and ran the Mail Acct Wizard.....I set it to AUTO SETUP, as I had previously done.. However, this time it does NOT change my mail acct settings, no matter what I do OR when I run the Mail Wizard.. and thus it does not scan my mail, tho the  resident "Internet Mail' provider indicates that it is running.
  I have NO PROBLEM setting it up manually.....just curious why  the Mail Wizard doesn't work now.. when it did before  Maybe someone else who DOESNT UNDERSTAND  how to do it manually, might think the program is defective and dump it....OR unkowingly think their mail is being scanned when it isn't.  !!!!! 

;D ;D :slight_smile: :slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

OOPSSSSS!!! I See from the category listing that this is the wrong section to post a technical question!!! ;D ;D

I will be good and post it more appropriately next time!!!
::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: 8) 8)

Interesting problem. Is it exactly the same version of avast! as the one you had there before? And you’re saying that if you do it manually (i.e. in the Wizard, in ‘manual’ mode), it works? ???

Very strange, as the code paths should actually be exactly the same…

OOPSSSSS!!!!!! I See from the category listing that this is the wrong section to post a technical question!!!!!!

No problem, you can post such questions here… :wink:
