Mail problems all of a sudden

My ISP is shifting all users’ mailboxes over to a new physical server (same addy and server name) this week, and all day today Eudora’s been telling me “no new mail” although the helpdesk confirms there’s currently 53 messages sitting in my mailbox, from about 20 hours ago right up to (more or less) current.

They’re doing this user-by-user, rather than all at once, and they say that access delays should be at most about 2 hours for the very largest mailboxes, probably no more than a few minutes for one like mine.

Please refresh my memory – under XP, shouldn’t the mail client’s (Eudora) setup be showing the server address in essentially localhost format rather than the actual server names, when avast’s email provider is active (that transparent-proxy thing)? Or is that my old system (98SE, using avast’s Email Wizard) I’m thinking of?

I’ve tried taking out the email provider (with Add-Remove/Change) and putting it back in, rebooting after each step, and even tried an online Repair just in case. But still no access to mail via Eudora (no error messages, simply “no new mail”), and Eudora at each step continues to show the actual POP address.

Thanks and best,

You’re thinking on the old settings.
XP does not need localhost to scan. avast! does it transparently.
Only 98\Me need the or localhost.
But you should receive error messages… the “no new mail” is strange…

Thanks, Tech – I remembered that avast automatically changed the server settings somewhere, but couldn’t remember whether that was old or new. So I guess under XP that proxy thing really is invisible, even to Eudora.

I’m showing all providers (that I use) running, and I do get that avast email icon during the process. Login and checking is a lot faster than I’m used to, especially for a Thursday night which is normally quite busy, which is why I suspected the proxy setting might have gotten messed up. But I agree, if that was the case then why no error message? (At least none I could see).

I can’t help but wonder if the new Zone Alarm’s involved somehow, since the “final” 6.0 got released yesterday and I installed it. But mail was coming in fine long after that, even after a couple of shutdowns to go out to meetings.

So, it’s working now… I’m glad.

ZA is a very good program but ZoneLabs is very poor in any kind of support :stuck_out_tongue:

Just an update – finally solved the problem just this morning, and it was a combination of Eudora plus the mail-server-upgrading that the ISP’s doing.

For ages the POP-server was, as in my addy, and a few years ago it was changed to but would automatically “translate” if you still had your mail client set up for the old name.

Apparently that no longer works on the new system, which they hadn’t thought to include in their otherwise rigorous testing – with the help of their helpdesk, we found that my updating the Eudora setting worked just fine. So there’ll be a frantic notice going out to all customers this morning, now that “we” found and solved the problem.

(Edit, a P.S.) Probably no need to mention this, but if anyone should happen to want to email me, addy’s still the same as shown in my profile. I think that pop-dot-whatever has become pretty much standard for server names (as opposed to email domains and addy’s) anyway, these days.

This should be warned by Eudora. It’s an error on the server: it was strange that you did not receive an error message.

I thought it was odd too, Tech – especially since, among other things I tried last night, I even set Eudora up for full debug-logging and the logs showed I was logging into the server just fine, just no mail there.

Gremlins ;D

yep laughing out loud the thing i faught was to check ur settings…