WinXP Home
avast 4.1-396
Sygate SPF 5.5
General mail scanner doesn’t seem to work while the message in the title appears in the status window…
Any help?
Tried to search on the forums with no success.
WinXP Home
avast 4.1-396
Sygate SPF 5.5
General mail scanner doesn’t seem to work while the message in the title appears in the status window…
Any help?
Tried to search on the forums with no success.
I have a system set up as yours so please let me know exactly what you mean by “general mail scanner” and “status window”.
Are you referring to the Internet Mail Provider menu?
In order for me to help you, I need additional clarification.
Thank you,
I have the italian version and don’t know much how to really tranlsate it, so here’s a screenshot of it…
Ok… maybe I got it… Seems like I need to start the mail proxy wizard… but that seems to support only one pop3 server… am I right? I need multiple POP support. I hoped Avast used a more generic scanner… Norton did all this without any annoyance…
avast does support as many pop3 accounts as you want…
Just run the Mail Protection Wizard.
Please, that information is about a ‘default’ pop3 server. I hope new versions correct this text and explain a little bit more about this.
Hi xf; 8)
I am running Windows XP home, same as you.
I take it that you have MS Outlook Express on your system and, not MS Outlook.
If that is the case, welcome to the club, I have the same problem.
I think the Avast provider is waiting for MS Outlook to start, which I don’t even have on my system.
Someone please correct me, if I’m wrong.
In fact, this case seem to be the opposite case. If I understand the screenshot correctly, the Outlook plugin is working, but the Internet Mail provider is waiting (probably for the ashMaiSv.exe process).
What e-mail client do you use? Full Outlook or Outlook Express or something else?
xf, welcome to the forums!
just a thought, but you mentioned Norton…was it just the anti-virus and did you clean your system of it completely?