Wow, what a fantastic response! I’ve never had such a good response from a message board…lol
Ok, now I don’t want to miss anyone out, so here goes…
Alanrf - I understand Microsofts Outlook and Outlook Express are completely different. But with the way it is worded ‘Outlook/Exchange’ I thought it meant it would cover ‘Outlook Express/Microsoft Outlook’. My mistake there. I don’t use MSOutlook. Thanks for the clarity over that. Now I thought msnmsgr.exe was MSN Messenger, and msmsgs.exe was Windows Messenger? I can’t figure out either why there is reference to msnmsgr in the error message? But what I do know is apart from the latest avast! update, I have pretty much the same configuration with all my other programmes, so I’m at a loss to why avast! has suddenly thrown a hissy fit? As far as Msn Messenger sending me emails to let me know I have emails…nope. It doesn’t send me emails. It sends me an alert (a little pop up window) which is very low key, and only happens if you’re logged into Msn at the time. Not an annoyance at all. Also I don’t have a Hotmail account (spam city!)…lol. Ok, I think I’ve covered everything you’ve mentioned Alanrf. Thanks for that buddy
Tech - No, I’m not using Msn Toolbar, or any other toolbar for that matter. I currently don’t have MS Outlook installed (xp meltdown, reformatted, haven’t loaded Office on yet), but will keep in mind what you’ve said for the future. Thanks buddy
S.Z. Craftec - Ahhhh, a cybie after my own heart…screen shots! Aren’t they wonderful. Ok, I terminated the Outlook/Exchange module. You know, I’ve just clicked why I may be getting the time out message. Because I haven’t yet loaded Office onto my pc, and therefore don’t have MS Outlook installed, that Outlook/Exchange module is in permanent work mode waiting for the programme it is meant to be watching out for! Duh, me! I changed my timeout time to 500 like you suggested. As a default, I always change that in the Outlook Express configurations, so that’s already set. That was some good info…thanks Tech…Cheers… Oh, I forgot to say, I can also access a hotmail account through OE (have done in the past - reluctantly) but don’t have a hotmail account now.
Ok, I think I’ve covered everything. Cos I hate to miss people out when they’ve taken the time to help me. Oh, one more development, avast! is starting to come up with dialog boxes that tell me ‘avast! needs to restart your pc now’ (not word for word, but the basic message). I wonder if that will stop now that I’ve terminated the Outlook/Exchange module. Will let you all know.
Thanks again guys…so much appreciated
p.s. Oh hey, Craftec, what did you use to get those fancy arrows, and numbers on your screen shots? I only use Corel PP to draw arrows on screen shots, and insert text if I need to…but yours are so much fancier…! Do tell…