mail shield

[shadow=red,left,300]I installed avast! 4 and the mail shield for Eudora. So it set up the e-mail to parrade through the shield. I did not realise this immediately, but when I could not send an e-mail, I realised that avast! was the one that changed the settings. The problem? My ISP requires your return address to match the account they give you. Since the main username had been changed, the return address had too since I had not specified a separate one. I think avast! should either work around this potential problem, or send a flag to notify users[/shadow]

Hmm, this is an interesting problem.
Doesn’t Eudora let you have a different name for the server account and e-mail address (the thing before @)?

And, do you have problems only with sending, or also receiving the mail?


Doesn't Eudora let you have a different name for the server account and e-mail address (the thing before @)?

Eudora has three different fields: Real name, Return address and Login name. Only Login name is changed by avast PopWiz program. The question remains however what happens if some of the fields are empty - does Eudora fill them automatically?