Mail Shields Off

I have Version 19.7.2388 build 19.7.4674.524.

It says my Mail Shields are off in Status. I can’t turn them on at the green prompt. When I go to Protection Core Shield they are off but I can turn them on. When I go back to Status they are off.

What is the problem? Thanks, Bob.

Try the following,
[b]Repair & Clean Install of Avast →[/b]

What do you mean Mail Shields, there is only one ?
What email client (web mail viewed through your browser or email program) are you using ?

Have you tried right clicking on the Avast tray icon > Avast Shield Control, does it show it is off there, if so try enabling it there.

If that doesn’t work, try an Avast Repair - AvastUI > Menu > Settings > Troubleshooting > Repair App. Reboot after the Repair.

Sorry for my mistake. There is only one mail shield.

I am using SeaMonkey mail.

I never noted this error before the latest version of Avast.


OK, next step would be to try an Avast Repair.

I haven’t used (or heard of) SeaMonkey mail before, but it would be somewhat strange if it were to cause an issue with the Mail Shield being enabled. It would be more likely that there would be compatibility issues between the Mail Shield and SeaMonkey after an Avast Program update if SeaMonkey were somehow incompatible.

@DavidR, FYI Seamonkey is continuation of Netscape (remember that?). Integrated web browser and email client.
I tried it on my WinXP rig at one time and had no problems with Avast. But that was Avast 18 under WinXP.

Well, still don’t see how it could possibly result in the Mail Shield being OFF, any compatibility issues between the two, should result in either error messages from Avast or SeaMonkey Mail not working whilst the Mail Shield is ON. Not what appears to be the other way round SeaMonkey Mail working the Mail Shield not.

The OP needs to try all of the options suggested and confirm they have and report the results.

How does Avast know what mail program I am using? There must be some link to the mail program. If so where is it?
Thanks, Bob.

Avast doesn’t know (outside of say MS Outlook as it has a plug-in for that) or need to know what email client you are using it intercepts the email traffic in order to be able to scan it.

I think the whole mail client is a bit of a red herring, the Mail Shield isn’t running and that is the real issue.

So you need to follow the suggestions made and report the findings on getting the Mail Shield running again (or any error messages, etc.).

Since my Avast was updated today, I too have no Mailshield. I have tried turning it on, rebooting, running avast repair and rebooting again, still no Mailshield :frowning:

I have reinstalled Avast Internet Security and mailshield is working again. I wait to see what happens when it updates to Premium Security again.

So there is a problem loosing the Mail Shield! I have tried the Repair option and it still has no Mail Shield. I can turn it on and it shows off in Status afterwards. I guess a complete reinstall is needed. Can someone please describe how to do a reinstall in detail. Bob.

Click the link given in Bobs post.
It has two links to videos one for Repair, the other for a clean install.

I’m having the same issue. Details are

If anyone finds solution please post back.

Yeah. I did a repair and I’m still unable to turn on Mail Shield.

Have you done a restart since the Repair ?

If that doesn’t resolve it, then you are looking at a clean reinstall. Use the link by bob3160 quoted in my past post Reply #12