Major problem with Avast! 4.8 [Comodo 3 + Spyware Terminator scenario]

P.S. If you have any issues with the new build, don't post in this thread. Instead, start a new one.

I had a frightening experience, but mostly due to my stupidity I guess.

I installed Avast! 4.8 and restarted the Computer as it prompted me to, but left Comodo Firewall PRO in Paranoid Mode (HIPS) and Spyware Terminator real-time Shield enabled!

While rebooting it took it 3-5 minutes to get into Vista and when it did the system was a crawl. After a few seconds the whole system froze and I rebooted again.
This time it wouldn’t get into Vista!

I rebooted in Safe Mode and did a System Restore to a day earlier. I swirched off Spyware Terminator, lowered Comodo to training mode and updated again to 4.8. This time everything seems to be ok.

Comodo in training mode didn’t learn anything new for Avast!, so I can say it wasn’t the cause for this problem.

So Spyware Terminator is left and I’m really afraid to re-enable it… ???

Is anybody using those 2 together?

I am ST user and CFP user too. If i use Comodo firewall, i recomend you disable hips of ST. I have got CPF, ST without HIPS and AVAST 4.8 runing smoothly.

Well, I have ST HIPS AND COMODO3 DEFENSE+ on and I am experiencing no problems at all with AVAST RC v. 4.8. Everything is OK. :o

Thanx for your replies, but I sadly have to announce that I uninstalled Avast! 4.8.

Even with ST uninstalled, my system would still be crawling untill it would freeze completly :frowning:
I tried to roll back to version 4.7, but system restore didn’t help.

I don’t know why it behaved like this, I couln’t even open task manager to kill a proccess or sth!
Rough night…

If it helps:
Vista Ultimate 32 bit - no SP1
UAC on

I’m temporarily on AVG.

Well, I have ST HIPS AND COMODO3 DEFENSE+ on and I am experiencing no problems at all with AVAST RC v. 4.8. Everything is OK.

I don’t think it’s a smart idea to be running two HIPS programs at the same time(what are you trying to achieve with this ?) … Comodo’s HIPS is way better IMO, just use that one if you must use a HIPS.

A litte confused here. You uninstalled 4.8, then did a system restore? Why?

If 4.7 worked before, it should work now. Did you uninstall via add/remove programs and use the uninstall utilty?

I did a system restore in order to roll back to 4.7v, but I couldn’t since it would update as soon as I logged into Windows and ask for a restart for the 4.8v.

I rebooted in Safe Mode and uninstalled Avast!.

I had a hard time even opening a pdf file, it would use 100% of CPU and wait for 5-6 sec untill it oppened.

I will try a clean from scratch installation later on to see if the problems persist.

PiCo, HIPS from Comodo + ST and avast will drain your computer performance… Are you satisfied?
ST + AVG will give, imho, less protection than only avast.
If you disable Comodo, will the problem persist?

Honestly speaking ST has become bloated junk with its toolbar. I use Avast 4.8 along with Comodo 3.0 and my system is fine. I have the same set up for my laptop and desktop.

I agree. I do not use the toolbar. Just antispyware and ClamAV while on-demand scanning.

Tech thanx for the interest. It must be sth else, cause I installed Avast! 4.8 with ST uninstalled completly and CFP HIPS disabled.

The system will just freeze after a few minutes. AVG is temporary, I will go back to Avast! when it gets fixed :wink:

After a few minutes?
Then it may be actually related to the rootkit scan on system startup.
Try disabling it in avast settings (Troubleshooting page) and see if it makes any difference.


I must add I deactivated the HIPS protection in ST as suggested. Should I uncheck anything else. I have a problem that may be associated with AVAST (web protection) or if not to Comodo 3 Firewall (can’t see anything else). From times to times upon rebooting I can’t properly surf on the internet. My connection is ACTIVE (I can update AVAST) but I can’t surf with my browsers. Usually after a reboot the problem is gone. ???

I can freeze the system immediately if I do a search like in the attached photo I give you! It even freezes if i try to open and read a pdf file. My network connection slowed signifactly down, once I even had to reboot like the friend above me.
Folders are not oppening as fast, the whole system behaves as having the CPU in full load 100%, but it’s not in full load! It’s normal as it was with previous version of Avast!
And eventually, it crashes after a few minutes…

I have Avast! uninstalled now, because I’m working on a C++ project and can’t handle the continuing crashes. This is the best information I can give you, it’s like 4.8v was steadily poisoning my system.

One thing I can tell you for sure, is that with Spyware Terminator off, things were going a bit better, but when I pushed a bit the system (doing a search, opening a file, playing some music with wmp), it crashed.

I’d really love to see a minidump, really. Without it, we can just speculate about what the problem really is… :-[

This is obviously a problem with Comodo as avast! doesn’t block browsers.

I don’t see why anyone messes with Comodo, it’s nothing but trouble!

There are excellent free firewalls that are easy to use.

I guess minidump is created when you have a BSoD or a system error, in Windows/minidumb folder. I can’t get a BSoD cause by saying “my system crashes”, I mean “it tottaly freezes”. No errors, no anything, it’s like hitting the “pause” button for windows.

Only way out, was the reboot button. Even then, no minidumb file.

Do you have a PS/2 keyboard? (i.e. not USB)
(not necessarily connected - but one you could connect)

PS/2 by Logitech with it’s software on. This is the exact model →

I was able to move the mouse, when the system froze, but clicking on sth wouldn’t do anything. Cntr+Alt+Del wouldn’t do anything either, I think it gave me an error once when the system was frozen and I pressed it like a hundrend times. Said it couldn’t open task manager.

Oh I would really love it if you could send me the previous setup.exe file for Avast!. The latest 4.7 version I mean. I have lost it.
My e-mail is in my profil for mods to see.

Thank u!!

You can get former versions here:

on the RH side of the page.