I strongly suggest you remove the text from the website since it is completely false.
The real problem is that you are using shared hosting.
On the same IP are malicious websites hosted and therefor the IP is blacklisted.
If you believe your website (url) should not be blocked, you can make a request by using the form on the avast website.
nothing detected. Post screenshot of avast!'s alert window and IP address of resolved domain.
There is a problem with the website.
If I try to click with the left mouse button I get a JavaScript pop-up saying clicking with the right mouse button is disabled.
But other than that, the site opens and no warning from avast.
Here is a code that you can use to disable right/middle/left mouse button clicks.
Ofcourse you need to change it to your needs.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var showContextMenu=false;
var sTestEventType='mousedown';
function handleMouseEvent(e) {
var evt = (e==null ? event:e);
var clickType = 'LEFT';
if (evt.type!=sTestEventType) return true;
if (evt.which) {
if (evt.which==3) clickType='RIGHT';
if (evt.which==2) clickType='MIDDLE';
else if (evt.button) {
if (evt.button==2) clickType='RIGHT';
if (evt.button==4) clickType='MIDDLE';
// Make sure hyperlinks (A tags) still work!
if (evt.target && evt.target.tagName && evt.target.tagName.toLowerCase()=="a") return true;
if (evt.srcElement && evt.srcElement.tagName && evt.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase()=="a") return true;
alert(evt.type+': '+clickType+' button!');
return true;
document.onmousedown = handleMouseEvent;
document.onmouseup = handleMouseEvent;
document.onclick = handleMouseEvent;
// NOTE: document.captureEvents is obsolete (NS4.x)
if (document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);
“I strongly suggest you remove the text from the website since it is completely false.”
Which website do you mean Eddy ? my web or from this forum ?
The site is vulnerable, because your Joomla version is outdated.
You should update your CMS!
See: http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/scanner/?scan=http%3A%2F%2Fnanogate.co.uk%2F
Joomla Version 1.5.18 to 1.5.26 for: htxp://nanogate.co.uk//language/en-GB/en-GB.ini
Joomla version outdated: Upgrade required.
Joomla Version
Found in META Generator Tag
The following modules were detected from the HTML source of the Joomla front page.
No modules were found passively in HTML source
The following components were detected from the HTML source of the Joomla front page.
No components were found passively in HTML source
The following plugins were detected from the HTML source of the Joomla front page.
No plugins were found passively in HTML source
Google safe browse check
Google finds the site to be free of malware
Server: Apache/2.4.9 (Unix)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.17
IP Address:
Country: GB
The IP had a history of PHISHing!