Malware protection

Is there a way to turn off the malware portion of avast or is in just part of it, I have 2 realtime spyware program running with no problem, listed in the window security center under spyware protection programs the 2 are listed plus avast and avast is also listed under antivirus program? thanks for any input

It is a part of avast, so you can’t “turn it off”

But why do you have two realtime spyware program running? And which ones are you using?

Thanks, I am using windows defender and superAntispyware, Its recommented by the to use 2 realtime and 1 on demand but have no problem with avast either just wanted to know. I have been using 2 for about a year.

Generally the same advice of one resident anti-virus would apply with resident anti-spyware.

Whilst avast does have anti-spyware incorporated into it, the registry isn’t scanned for spyware in the same way true anti-spyware (AS) applications do, so there is still a good reason for the additional security level.

Your signature shows Spyware Terminator (not SAS, which is resident only in the pro version) so is that yet another resident AS ?

It also shows XoftSpy which has something of a chequered history, which at one time was considered a rogue program by and some other sites. Whilst that might not be the case now, there are more AS applications than you can shake a stick at without that chequered history, that I would choose before it.

It may just be that you need to update your signature ;D

thanks DavidR, I was using St Pro but changed to SuperAntispyware pro cause it seem to do better, XoftSpy is just for on demand sometimes. what I’ve read several places that “Generally the same advice of one resident anti-virus would apply with resident anti-spyware.” is not generally true, I guess to one’s taste, just like you all believe in email scanning and some preach to cut it off, sometimes its confusing. After using a third party firewall years just was told its not necessary and the windows firewall is enough. thanks again for the help, you all are still the best.

You’re welcome.

so both SuperAntiSpyware pro (real time not on demand) and Windows defender play nice together for you
good to know
I sorta have to agree about x-soft
for first rate free on demand scanners
Malware Bytes Anti Malware
Spybot Search and Destroy
Windows Live One Care

all of them have found things in threads in this forum that the others have missed- and this will change again with the next round of bad stuff
ps even Ad-aware was a star last week- I’d take even ad-aware over x-soft anytime

Spywareterminator fits into the equation along with Windows defender for those looking for free real time protection