Malware Scan Results "We Were Unable to Scan some files, but no threat in those we did" How do i see skipped files?

How do i see skipped files? What might cause them to be skipped? Is this bad? Been happening for a longtime just now saw it again…

It isn’t bad -
The greatest majority of files scanned in on-demand scans are inert or dormant, encrypted, highly compressed etc, so they don’t present an immediate risk.

If these files became active then the resident on-demand scanners (File System Shield, Web Shield, etc.).

You can try looking in the Scan Report/Log files in the Avast Folders and see if they are recorded.

With a resident (on-access) scanner like Avast, the need for on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part dormant/inert files are being scanned, the other active files are going to be scanned by the resident shields when they are activated.