Malwarebytes IP protection is blocking ?
(IP (1.41-databas 2788)
Report it to Mawarebytes forum:
False Positives
Do you mean the resident?
Is there any file being detected as infected?
If i try entering the page the Malwarebytes ballon by the clock pops up saying " infection discovered: " and the page is blocked, wont show
just found the reply to my post on MalwareBytes forum
This is not actually an F/P. This IP is blocked because it is hosting rogues. ???
Seems a false positive. ???
But the site (specifically their forum) was hacked in the past.
Hosting rogues? :
The site itself is not hosting rogue.There are other domains on the same ip that is hosting rogue so that ip was blocked.
I’ve ever thought that IP is unique for a domain…
Living and learning.
There are many rogue IPs hosted by that ISP:
The IP block is now removed
The IP block is now removed
The folks at Malwarebytes are prety good and Steven Burn (MysteryFCM) the owner of hpHost is now a member of their team.
I googled Steven Burn and found this
I googled Steven Burn and found this
My ip is blocked