I am in need of my brain geniuses again. I am trying to get my mom computer updated. Windows 7. Gateway.
When I tried to run Malwarebytes it tell me read only. So, I tried to uninstall and I get a window error pop up. Picture attached.
Can someone try to help ASAP, she needs her computer back. Please!
Yes, I have had it on this computer for over a year. I had to do a back up and when I tried to run it ,… nope. I tried to restore the program and still nothing.
This is my mom computer. She is not good about getting her updates done. I had to do a system restore cause one of her programs was having an issue updating. So I backed up the computer and than ran an update on everything. Avast, Windows, etc and tried Malware. It comes back to me as what I have explained. The restore went well and all programs are doing fine but Malwarebytes. This is the free home edition of Malwarebytes . Computer is Windows 7