management console lost due to update

The update is performed according to the console manual in this link

Step we made:

Actualizar Avast
Viewing new version available

The original File .env we had the versión

Modified file for update 7…29.930.81

Console Update command

docker-compose up --no-deps -d server

Updated Console Process Completed

However the console does not display the following message:

Checking the logs I found the following:

This site cannot be accessed because it is taking too long

The log the last line is :

ERROR com.avast.bc.StartupListener [main]: Start failed: Failed to start bean ‘shardingBootstrap’; nested exception is Error occurred during Sharding initialization - [cause: UNKNOWN, errorCode: 100,shardContext: unknown] (

When you change the version 6.X.X to 7.X.X the DB change the version and this make not posible to start the console you need backup the DB info, update the DB and update the console. Then you can restore your information.
But be carefully because you can damage the services or the db .

A temporary solution is to return to the original version 6.X.X, run the console and enter the docker container afb_db_1 to backup the information