Manual Scan in Avast


how can i change the Manual Scan options? I only See Standard, Intesive and with or without Archive Scanning…hm that’s all? how can i fine tune the Manual Scan Option? And how to see what it means “Intesive” what for File Extensions??

There are no more options in the Home version; you’d need avast! Professional for more (though I’m not sure what exactly you are looking for).

Manual scan sensitivity is Quick, Standard and Thorough all of these you can select to also scan archive files or not (the default is not to scan archives). You can choose to either scan Local Disks (all hard drives), Folder Selection (just a particular, folder or partition, etc.) or Removable Media.

As Igor says, what is it you are trying to achieve ?

Have you checked the avast help file, Simple User Interface, Working with avast! 4 in the Simple User Interface ?