Many false positives

Avast is irritating me with a lot of false positives these days. few days back, it reported Frozen Throne.exe from Warcraft 3 : frozen throne game and moved it to chest. I have been having it for more than 3 yrs and clearly it doesnt have virus. Another problem today is avast removed an important update file from steam client for game dota 2 (vtex.exe). This makes the update unfinished and repeat several times again, Its so irritating to have many false positives and still even after adding to exclusions list, they are repeatedly found out !! Have to disable avast and install again. Now my steam client is totally cracked up due to avast !

Refer here

u guys really pissed a lot of people with ur false positives

yes also the software can’t see a file named: keygen.exe cause automatically says: virus virus! Version 8 was smarter.


All antiviruses have false positives. Think of it this way: Something in Dota 2 was programmed differently to cause the alert to trigger in the first place. The detection, if indeed false positive, was likely because of changed code that reflected a similar virus signature.

Please report the false positive here:


Hi, nothing in dota 2 was programmed to trigger anything. Its the incorrect virus definition update that causes these issues. I have reported false positive and so did most of the people in the websites I’ve mentioned. Some false positives are okay, for example, avast saying a keygen as a virus is okay. But troubling a legitimate program is not okay, and must be fixed asap. Hence I posted to make sure the issue gets looked into.