Old eyes tire easily during easter egg hunts. As I recall, at least one previous Avast version had a direct tabbed link TO the Virus Chest, but now I cannot find a tab or sub-tab.
Searched “virus chest” - neither the “Help” files “Virus chest” nor “Virus chest settings” provides a link or path. I think I spied a microscopic link at the bottom of one pop up page, but can’t retrace my steps to confirm. It shouldn’t be this difficult to find and probably isn’t once one has the map and GPS coord.
Right click one of the buttons on the front
Select Change icon and the world is open to you
Many thanks, Essex. My brain plasticity even on coffee resembles high PSI concrete. The more versatile Avast becomes, the harder it is to keep track. Let’s see how long it takes me to forget that trick. Starting… NOW!
I still think a link or at least the PATH (or your explanation) belongs in the HELP files.