McAffee Virus/Malware found on my PC

Hi All

This may be a known issue already, but as I’m new to this forum I’m just not sure.

I’ve has Avast Premium on my PC for a number of year now, with no problems. But recently I keep getting continual random virus and malware waring from what is supposed to be McAffee.

I even gets warning that are supposed to be from AVAST about subscription renewal (which are clearly fake.

An AVAST scan has found nothing though.

Thus not sure what to do next ?




Hi @William007
Can you post a screenshot of the supposed Mcaffee warning.
There are so many fakes out there its making it hard for some to know whats real or not.

My apologies for not uploading the images straight away, but I’ve been laid up with a virus for a while and haven’t been back online.

I have included a screen shots below as requested,
Lots of others appear, but they are all very similar in nature.
However, a newbie I am not able to upload files and I am only allowed to imbed one image.

If you do need more images, I guess I could upload more replies and imbed an image into each of them ?



Hi Bill
hope your feeling better now.

sadly cant see an image attached.
This new updated forum has changed the way to attach images.
In the reply box below last post click the up arrow and then find the pic you want to attach. If thats what you did then no idea why its not showing.

And just to add, even though my renewal is not until the end of January i started getting random popups to renew early in the last 2 weeks so i think this is normal for avast even if you have unticked all the adverts and marketing. special offer of £69 if i renew early when last year it cost me £12 from Amazon :slight_smile:

Also all the shortcut links to helpful older posts have been lost so i will try and have a search for new direct links but hopefully someone else may be able to advise while i look.

I run Malwarebytes once a week that can pick up to odd dodgy bit that avasts misses.

and also

both are free.



es, a lot better than I was thanks.

Perhaps I’ll have better luck this time.

McAffe Image_3



Example 2:

McAffe Image_4



Example 3:

McAffe Image_1



Yup, they worked Bill.
on my android mobile phone there is a handy app called Google Lens.
It lets you take a picture of anything and then shows all the posts or similar pics that have been posted like yours above. there are thousands.
just picking one it show this is a brouse based scam that tries to trick you into clicking scan or clear viruses but in fact it installs dodgy software.
Now im no expert but i do watch a lot of videos from scam baters who try to disrupt these mostly indian scam call centres and ive seen similar videos about these sorts of popups.they do this into scaring you to buy their own antivirus software or charge you loads to help you remove the said virus but actually there isnt one on your pc. especially if youve run a full system scan with avast which found nothing.
I was hoping others may have joined the convo by now so im tagging a few to see if they could advise further @Pondus @DavidR @bob3160 who always seem to be on the ball when it comes to issues and give great advise.

have a look through some of these videos on youtube explaining how to remove all these fakes

this one explains all ive mentioned above including malwarebytes and ADW scan

This chap knows his stuff


Many thanks for taking the trouble to respond.

I’ll have a look through the links that you’ve kindly provided.

Will let you know how I get on.

Best Regards
